Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Working For Free – Don’t Do It

Whether you model for fun as a hobby or are dedicated to becoming a professional model, you should not work for free. Here is why.

First, it is important to understand why you are doing a particular photo shoot. There are a number of things to consider when you decide how to price your work as a model.

1.  Who gets the advantage? By this I mean does the other party expect or hope to make a profit from your work? If a photo shoot is for a company or organization, you should expect them to pay you, just as you would expect them to pay you if you were answering phones for them or any other work. Are you getting the advantage? If so, perhaps you should pay the photographer? Is it a tie? Is the shoot for you and the photographer to learn and build your portfolios? If so, then trading (TF or TFP or TFCD) may be the right way to go.
2.   How much is it going to cost you to do the session? If you have not stopped to consider your costs, stop and think. You have the work of maintaining your skin, keeping your hair in a stylish cut, manicures, make up, personal fitness training, etc. You also have the cost of travel and time away from family or other things you could be doing (yes, that has value).

3.    Modeling is work. Even if it is fun, it is still work. It takes skill and looks. Both of which are things that most of the rest of the world does not have, and therefore, it has value.
4.   What kind of press, or positive exposure are you going to receive? Can you quantify it? On a limited basis, some very few opportunities will give you exposure that is better than you could get if you hired a professional publicist to market yourself.
5.   Are you modeling for something that is a high interest area? For example, nude modeling has limited commercial appeal, many photographers crave the opportunity to work with a nude model and it may be difficult to include in your portfolio, based on your location family, etc. Then you should be paid. If there is a high demand for what a company or photographer is asking you to model, you should charge a fee.

6.   Are you any good at what you do and do you have a good “look”? Okay if you can’t model and you look like a pile of bricks, maybe you should pay them to take your pictures. But if that isn’t the case, how easy is it for them to find what they want? Are you a high dollar value talent? Can 50 girls in your area easily replace you? Or are you the only 5’11” red head with very pale skin who can fit into a size 0 dress?
7.   Are the photos from this session actually going to expand my portfolio, or is it just another shoot in a similar dress, swimsuit, same kind of nondescript setting? If it does not add value to your portfolio, why model it unless you are paid?

Every time an offer to model comes along, weigh these things, and other things that are important to you. Maybe in your personal situation, you are comfortable shooting lingerie, but your boyfriend freaks out unless you are making money. Whatever your personal situation is, take a realistic look at what you have to offer and what the other party is going to gain. Then decide. Don’t be afraid to ask to be paid. Even the guy who has no talent gets paid to sweep the floors at night. If someone else is hoping to make money from your effort, morally, they should pay you and you have a right to expect it.

Why should a model who is doing modeling just for fun expect to be paid? Because a hobby still costs money and if another party is making money off your skill, unique beauty, and time, they have a moral responsibility to properly compensate you.

So, should you work for free? I don’t think so. Should you play for free? Yes, if you want to.

Here is Charolett's page.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Kim, playing with "big eyes"
I find that the people who do the very best in their field of specialty, are the ones who play. For any of us who decide to turn the thing we like to do for play into work, it can kill the play and take away the fun. I think that is deadly to a career.

The thing to do is to keep playing. When you try to make something into a profession, then it becomes serious and we find ourselves working at our art doing things that pay us. This work is not always inspiring and rewarding. So in order to keep fresh and inspired it is important to do personal projects that matter to us for the fun of it rather than for the money of it.

It is also important to have fun and play at your art, even when it is for hire. Find some way to push your limits, find new edges of your skill sets and ability. Discover something new and play with it. Be goofy, mysterious, quiet, energetic, etc. You will find that if you play at work, you will enjoy it for a long time.

Kim and the photographer playing with mood.

Shooting for fun on a rainy day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Know Your Angles

As a model, you need to know what angles flatter your face and your body the best. You can figure some of this out by working with a mirror, but you can only see yourself from your own eyes point of view. A camera is going to be able to see you from many different angles.

Lieren seemed to know what would work with her body. She kept her body in a variety of angles and poses that flattered her already great shape.

You can notice her poses here, giving a sideways angle to the camera. This slight twist for her works, it makes her torso seem even more slim and shows off a very flat abdomen.  Twisting the torso does not work for all girls because some bodies start showing ripples in the waist. You should be aware of things like that and how your body reacts to bending in different ways.

Here, Lieren is doing two things, both a bit subtle, but both adding to her beauty. First she is bent very slightly to her right which keeps her from making a static straight and boring vertical line with her body. Second, she is turned with her left side slightly away from the camera and from the light. This lets her show that great abdomen, but lets the light create slight shadows that help give definition to her tummy. It also flatters her shape, making her look more slender.

Here Lieren has her hip cocked which creates a visually interesting, if slight "S" shape to her body. It stretched out the line on the left side of her body and creates a flattering curve on her right.

I am always amazed how many models never think to shoot with their back to the camera. While it may not be the angle you want all the time, it can be flattering and give you some variety.

By being slightly higher than the camera and with a bit of a turn back to the camera, Lieren flatters her butt and legs here. The bit of twist again helps diminish the size of the torso.

A model should be aware of how the camera is going to see her body. If you are a newer model, you may not have a photographer who understands or sees these things, so you need to learn it for yourself. Even with an experienced photographer, this knowledge will make your shoots more productive and save time.

After every shoot, go back and look at the images and see what worked for your particular body.

More of Lieren here.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Charly Aguirre, Model Reflection - Catwoman shoot

Charly Aguirre is an aspiring model. She is looking for opportunities to shoot and get experience. We discussed ideas together over Facebook and came up with a plan for a Catwoman shoot. We met and talked while Jillian Joy did her make up. This gave us a little better understanding of each other before we shot. I like to do this to help models relax and to help me get a better connection with models when we start shooting.

One of the things I liked about working with Charly was her willingness to be bold and try different things.  She didn't stand around waiting for every little bit of direction. Different photographers will have a wide range of how they want to lead or direct a model. My personal style is to build the idea before the shoot starts and then to wait and see what the model will bring to the shoot. I'll start directing poses after I see how much is needed. Charly didn't need to wait for me, and I liked that. Some models starting out stand their like a deer in the headlights, fearing to pose "wrong". This leads to very un-creative shoots.

To get the images we wanted, Charly had to be willing to work in a thin catsuit with nothing to keep her warm, at night in the middle of winter. We had her outside in the cold for over an hour and a half. 

After the shoot, I interviewed Charly. Here is the bulk of the interview:

What was it that made you decide to get into modeling? What are you hoping to achieve?

Mainly the exposure. Getting out into the world, and expressing myself. The confidence in doing so. There is a certain respect and strength that you gain, when you are in front of that camera. For yourself, the photographer and all of those before you! It is a tough business, a little scary. But through it great self expression and confidence can be gained!

How long have you been modeling?

Honestly I wouldn't even say that i am a model right now. The last time that I was paid for a job was when I was 11.. I went to a modeling school.. wasn't anything really taught me about makeup, etiquette, I did a couple of odd end jobs. Money was great. Right now have been working on a portfolio, getting my stats, and preferences.. so.. with that I guess I have been working on that for the last month and a half.

Interesting thoughts.
I know that there are definitely some talented models that consider their career a hobby, but yet they are pretty good,

Of course, and personally for me it would be more of a hobby. I am just getting into the scene, but I honestly have other talents that I feel would get me further and I might have a better shot at. Don’t get me wrong I would love to be able to make something with modeling.  But as I have heard quite a few times on the Utah Models page... It isnt necessarily about the model, its about the product. Of course in time you learn the ways. how to sell it! To become comfortable. I personally feel that I still have some time with this!  I have been talking with other models. Learning a bit, watching Youtube videos. Reading your blogs. That helps a lot.

When you choose a photographer to work with, what is it that attracts you to their work and motivates you to work with them?

I look at their work, recent and past.. to ensure that we, together might have some similar tastes, ideas. I'm not going to want to meet with a photog. that only shoots things that I may not be comfortable with.  I read about what others have to say.. Their models, or even just spectators. I have been reading what you have had to say for a moment. And although as intimidated as I was, I felt that I could learn some things from you. And how else to break on through than to trust your own gut.

What would you say are your best features as a model?

hmm... physically or.. I can pretty much blend personality wise with everyone. Stand out physically or energetically when I need to.  I am a fast learner, and open to all suggestions and points of view. Can take on many different looks and personalities. Love working with people! I care about myself and all others.

I like that you saw your best features as personality traits.

What kinds of modeling are you interested in doing?

...couldnt tell you... only because I am not sure what all there is to do! Runway is fun, but I’m not tall enough or thin enough.  I’ve thought about fitness modeling, that might be an option!

I'd like to ask a few questions about the catwoman shoot.
To start off, could you give me an overall impression of the night and your experience?

Of course, it felt very professional yet, relaxed! I had a great time, and you all made me very comfortable. Felt like I had been there before. I was moved by all of your love, for the art!

As a newer model, I let you find your poses instead of telling you to do specific things. Do you think that approach worked for you?

I think.. if anything that it helped me to become more comfortable in my own skin.. if you know what I mean. Although at moments your point of view might have helped.. I am sure that you would have told me if my posture or pose was not looking so flattering 

Flexibility, creativity, willingness to suffer a little discomfort, helped Charly get this set of amazing and fun photographs.

If you are new to modeling, go out and find a trustworthy photographer and plan to have fun. Get some experience in front of the camera!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Getting Variety in Your Shoots

When you are building your portfolio, you want to consistently add to the variety of looks in your book. It is important to have quality photographs in your portfolio that show a range of emotion or rather, the ability to communicate an idea.
I think that normally a model should want one, maybe two great photos from the same shoot to add to their portfolio. Anymore and the "sameness" shows and the portfolio looks more stale.

However, when you are just getting started, you may be tempted to use more photos to pump up your portfolio. You might consider, while you are in the shoot, or even before the shoot, what you can do to ad variety so that 

you can get several different looks.

Here are some examples of photos from a single shoot that show variety in mood, facial expression, poses. There are several images here were here wardrobe does not change in this set, and I think that is not so good to have multiple images of the same outfit in your portfolio. But I am using this to illustrate the idea that you can get different looks. The first three images have the same outfit, but you cannot tell that.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Understanding Your Body

 Models need to understand their body. We all see images of amazing looking models and marvel at how good the model looks. They seem flawless. The fact is that everybody shape and type has drawbacks. Understanding what is great about your body as a model will help you find poses that accentuate the grat parts of your body and hide or ignore the "flaws"

Kira understood a lot about her waist and her butt. While she looks good from any angle, there were some angles that just looked better.

Spending time in front of a mirror will help you find some of those angles, but not all of them. You can't see yourself from all the angles a camera can. So as you work on your portfolio, notice which camera angles flatter you. The more you know the better you can control what the camera sees.